
Healthy Pet Foods, Inc. is a family owned natural pet food company, which was one of the first to recognize the importance of pet wellness through healthy eating.  

Dogs Need Plenty of Exercise

Dogs Need Plenty of Exercise

Dogs can become restless if you don’t take them out every now and then. Puppies and young dogs especially have a lot of energy that they need to spend at some point. Eventually without exercise puppy and dogs may start using their energy in the way of increased barking or worse refurbishing your interior.

Some dog breeds need more exercise than others, but in general regular exercise is good for every dog. A dog’s age, breed, and personality are the defining characteristics when it comes to determining how much exercise they need.

In general, if you can get your dog out about 30 minutes every day for reasonably high-intensity exercise you are doing a good job. If the weather is too cold or hot then it is not advisable to take your dog for a walk. Instead you could stay indoors and teach it new tricks, or throw around some toys, but when the weather allows take your dog out since just indoor activities may not be enough.  

A combination of physical and mental exercises keeps your dog happy and helps improve their well-being. Many dogs for example have favorite spots in the neighborhood they like to revisit during walks. They love checking them regularly, so take them there a few times a week. There are many other ways to get your dog some exercise, and the health benefits are numerous not only for your dog but you too!!!

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